Session 1 If you don’t want to be there, no one wants to be there with you.

It doesn’t work to network if you hate what you’re doing, because then people will hate meeting you. This session will help you find a networking tactic that is both effective and comfortable for you. I’ll tell you a bunch of tactics you never dreamed would work.

Bonus session: Find people you wan help from and get them interested in helping.  Featuring Guy Kawasaki. 

Networking is about helping. If you know what you have to offer and you know what people need, then you are set. I’ll tell you how to figure out what people need. But also, since you are able to help a wide range of people (yes! really!) You’ll learn how to know who to focus on helping at which points in your life.

Session 3 You probably already have everything you need. Just use it. 

You only need 30 people in your network for it to be a killer network. I’ll explain why, and I’ll show you how you already have about half of those people, no matter who you are. Once you know who your 30 people are, you’ll be able to relax and just be your charming autistic self with them.


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