Session One: Find the people who won’t annoy you . (And where have they been all your life?)
INTPs are known for their brilliant theories and unrelenting logic – in fact, they are considered the most logically precise of all the personality types. This means you need to be able to recognize illogical types before they can get near you: People who rely on their rank. People who lie. People who are overly emotional.
You will never work well with these types. This session will also help you target the people who will enhance your life. Who will be fun to debate? Who will be a good sounding board? And, of course, why is it so hard for you to get a date? We will ask all these questions, and since I’m an ENTJ and not an INTP, we will actually answer the questions as well.
Session Two: How to make a decision. (Find someone to do it for you!)
Look, you’re not going to ever have enough information to make a decision. Which is fine with you, of course, because closure is not your sweet spot. Fortunately, decision makers love you because you help them make better decisions. So stick around them – they’ll make you look less crazy.
(Hold it. Did you know people think you’re crazy? Yes. They do. They think you don’t understand how the world works even as you ask more questions than anyone to understand how the world works.) Find the way people succeed without having to make those random, ill-conceived decisions that plague most top leaders.
Session Three: Resume rescue for the INTP.
Most creative thinkers have irregular career trajectories. INTPs are extreme versions of this. Fortunately, because the INTP is very useful to rigid, hierarchical types, the INTP resume can always be saved. This session will tell you how to rework your resume to get the best job for you. You’ll also learn how to sell yourself in an interview. The hiring process is often emotional, which is an uncomfortable spot for you.
This session will show you how to focus any interviewer on your stunning ability to spot patterns and discrepancies before anyone else. Because in most cases, that’s what you’re selling in an interview.
Session Four: Ask me anything (and I’ll try to keep up!)

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